from lezbag, Portland, OR, USA

from Clemente Padin, Montevideo, Uruguay

from Johannes J Musolf, Braunfels/Lahn, Germany

from "E", Guivry, France
Recyclage project

from frips, Gent, Belgium

from Pati Bristow, CA, USA

from Dragonfly Dream, Santa Fe, NM, USA

from Daniel de Culla, Burgos, Spain

croxhapox documentation from frips, Gent, Belgium

from Schoko Casana Rosso, Berlin, Germany

from Torben Doose, Paris, France
- Dear Torben, can't you find anyone in the whole wide Paris to help you upload images to your blog?

from C.Z. Lovecraft, San Jose, CA, USA

from Carlos Botana, A Coruna, Galicia, Spain

from Paul Tiililä, Pälkäne, Finland

from Fraenz Frisch, Walferdange, Luxembourg

from Jorge Restrepo, Tegucigalpa, Honduras